The One Ring

Battle Companies Campaign: Black Numenoreans vs. Dunland
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Author:  Tungdil [ Sat Jul 04, 2015 7:59 am ]
Post subject:  Battle Companies Campaign: Black Numenoreans vs. Dunland

Hey guys!

For the first time I have decided to attempt creating some battle report videoes, and have begun a Battle Companies Campaign series! Not only are we doing this sort of filming for the first time, but we are stepping out of our comfort zone and are doing them in English!

I (Joachim) will be playing the Black Numenorean warband known as The Wrath of Morgoth, while Nils (Greenwood on these forums) will be playing as The Black Wolf Marauders of Dunland!

We are aiming to upload a new video every Saturday, and we have just uploaded the second scenario.

Link to the first scenario:

Amended rules from the original Take The Watchtower:

And here is the second scenario:

We are playing with the newest ruleset from Erunion (Jonathan R. Baker):

Some of the relevant information and changes we have implemented in this campaign.

Changes to the Black Numenorean Rules:

Starting Company
6 Black Numenorean Warriors

2 Gold - Lance
4 Gold - Armoured Horse

Black Numenorean -> Morgul Knight
Venomblade Knight -> Venomblade Knight with Armoured Horse and Lance

Reinforcements Table
1-2 - No reinforcement
3-4 - Black Numenorean Warrior
5 - Morgul Knight
6 - Venomblade Knight

Changes to the Dunland Rules:

Starting Company
3 Dunlending Warriors with Shield
3 Dunlending Warriors with Two-handend weapons
2 Dunlending Warriors with Bow

1 Gold - Shield, Bow, Two-handed weapon
3 Gold - Horse

Warrior of Dunland w. Two-handed weapon -> Dunland Berserker

Reinforcements Table
1 - No reinforcement
2 - Warrior of Dunland w Shield
3 - Warrior of Dunland w. Two-handed weapon
4 - Warrior of Dunland w. Bow
5 - Choose one of the above
6 - Dunland Berserker

New profile
Dunland Berserker - 13 points (F 3/4+, S 4, D 5, A 2, W 1, C 7, Two-handed weapon)

Would love to hear what you guys think, and if you would like to see more! :oops:

Author:  Tungdil [ Sat Jul 11, 2015 1:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Battle Companies Campaign: Black Numenoreans vs. Dunland

The second scenario has been uploaded today!

Madoc and his Dunlendings are back for revenge, and will be ambushing the Black Numenoreans!

As previously mentioned, any feedback would be appreciated.

Author:  generalripphook [ Sat Jul 11, 2015 6:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Battle Companies Campaign: Black Numenoreans vs. Dunland

I really like the videos!

Would you mind posting little updates onto the size/upgrades the warbands have received after each battle?

Author:  Tungdil [ Sat Jul 11, 2015 7:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Battle Companies Campaign: Black Numenoreans vs. Dunland

Thanks! That is an excellent suggestion.

Some of the scenarios have of course been filmed at the same time so it will be hard to go back, but we will try to do something like this for the next time we do some filming!

Very glad you like the videos :)

Author:  GreenWood [ Sun Jul 12, 2015 6:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Battle Companies Campaign: Black Numenoreans vs. Dunland

Perhaps we should do a short summary where we talk a bit about the warbands, experiences thus far and such?

Would that be interesting?

Author:  generalripphook [ Sun Jul 12, 2015 4:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Battle Companies Campaign: Black Numenoreans vs. Dunland

Yeah that'd be super cool.

Author:  Tungdil [ Sat Jul 18, 2015 7:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Battle Companies Campaign: Black Numenoreans vs. Dunland

The newest scenario has been uploaded today, we bring you: Troll Treasure Hunt!

Enjoy, and beware the Troll !

Author:  Tungdil [ Sun Jul 26, 2015 8:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Battle Companies Campaign: Black Numenoreans vs. Dunland

Another weekend, and another scenario for you guys!

We are playing Breakthrough this time, and the Dunlendings will attempt to escape the clutches of the Black Numenoreans!

Promise that you will see more combats than last time! :-D

Author:  GreenWood [ Sat Aug 01, 2015 7:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Battle Companies Campaign: Black Numenoreans vs. Dunland

generalripphook wrote:
Yeah that'd be super cool.

This week we decided to do a special edition, where we talk a bit about the Battle-Companies format, our experiences thus far, the warbands and discuss tactics.


Author:  Tungdil [ Sun Aug 09, 2015 8:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Battle Companies Campaign: Black Numenoreans vs. Dunland

Sorry for posting this a bit late, but better late than never!

We are attempting the "Night Raid" scenario this time, and it looks like whoever is going to be Attacker will get the upper hand..

Author:  Leonardis [ Tue Aug 11, 2015 8:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Battle Companies Campaign: Black Numenoreans vs. Dunland

I've watched all of these and am really enjoying them.... Maybe the forces could face other armies so they they don't keep facing each other?

Anyway good job and makes me want to do another BC campaign!

Author:  Tungdil [ Tue Aug 11, 2015 1:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Battle Companies Campaign: Black Numenoreans vs. Dunland

Leonardis wrote:
I've watched all of these and am really enjoying them.... Maybe the forces could face other armies so they they don't keep facing each other?

Anyway good job and makes me want to do another BC campaign!

Yay, glad to hear, Leonardis!

I think that is an excellent idea, but not sure if we are going to do that for this campaign, but maybe for the next?

Thanks for watching, and we are grateful for the feedback!

Author:  Tungdil [ Sun Aug 16, 2015 10:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Battle Companies Campaign: Black Numenoreans vs. Dunland

We are back again, and the Black Numenoreans needs to turn the tide and momentum of the Dunlendings!

This week we play Contest of Champions, which should suit me very well...

Author:  Tungdil [ Tue Sep 01, 2015 9:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Battle Companies Campaign: Black Numenoreans vs. Dunland

A very late update, but we released the last scenario of the campaign a week ago!

Nils went for the Control scenario, and we prepared our forces to decide the victor of the campaign..

If you liked the campaign, and the battle reports, you will probably enjoy the new content coming to the channel, which will of course be in English.

We have already released the first battle report from our new Battle Companies Season here in Norway, and there will be many more to come!
Both me and Andreas ("The Norwegian Viking") will be filming all of our own games during this campaign, which features 16 players and lasts 15 weeks!

If you have watched my hobby vlog on the channel, you will see that I have prepared my Ruffians for the campaign, and I will actually be facing Hobbits in my first game!

So subscribe and/or stay tuned to our channel: Spillforeningen the Fellowship

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