The One Ring

800p Ghost + Spider army
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Author:  Salattu [ Wed Aug 09, 2017 2:53 pm ]
Post subject:  800p Ghost + Spider army

So, i wanted to make a functioning ghost army... I would imagine this kind of army could have been around Dol Guldur at time of necromancer...

Strategy: Dwimmerlake will boost ghosts so enemy won't be able to use their will points... Spiders bring hit power so paralyzed enemies die fast. A lot orc mass.

*Dwimmerlake, horse
-9 morannon orc
-3 giant spider

*Orc Shaman
-9 morannon orc
-3 giant spider

-8 orc warrior
-2 spectre

-8 orc warrior
-1 spectre

*Spider Queen

Overall: 800p, 5 might, 48 units, a lot magic.

Author:  Armond [ Sat Aug 12, 2017 4:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 800p Ghost + Spider army

Similar in some ways towhere I want to go with my Dol Guldur, except I am using Khamul.

I would say to try and find a way to fit more Spectres in there to create a few more control issues for the opponent. Not sure on points difference, but maybe a Spider Queen to save some points versus Shelob?

Author:  Salattu [ Sat Aug 12, 2017 11:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 800p Ghost + Spider army

So, in what kind of situation are spectres at their best? I was pondering situations such as enemy would have a troll or a cave drake or similar beast with relatively low C3-C4... In this situation they might be even "op", but on the other hand, this army has already a lot of control against these sort of enemies (for example barrow-wights). So, what other situations would need more spectres? Perhaps if enemy has a lot cavalry?

I would like to keep the horse of dwimmer so he has mobility to for example do spell in left corner, then let barrow-wight do spell at left corner... and then he can ride to right, and another barrow-wight and maybe ghosts can do their spells in the right, using again his areal boost. THis is surely just theorycrafting and depends also on where most powerful enemy heroes lie.

Spiderqueen (or shelob) i would like to keep because my plan for her is to charge in when enemy is paralyzed/otherwise easy to kill. She should get about 6 strikes, and a re-roll for each... Insane damage. Sure i could also consider for example shelob instead. Shelob is nicely tanky, and with all the will she has, she won't escape early. Also 4 strikes with S7 can, depending on enemy (let's say if enemy happens to have a D7 which is not that unusual) be nearly as good as S6 with 6 strikes.

Author:  Bronf [ Sat Aug 12, 2017 11:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 800p Ghost + Spider army

i know its a gimmick but u do need range. it just tells your opponent "you should shoot me"

Author:  Salattu [ Mon Aug 14, 2017 7:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 800p Ghost + Spider army

So, would orcs with bows help or something? What do you actualle recommend for getting range?

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