... narios.pdfI dont know how many of you saw that, but those are the new Games Workshop scenarios starting out at the Warhammer World tournament next month.
Here's what I posted in another topic on the subject:
I dont know how many people realize the scenarios have changed in a very important way....
Heirlooms and Hold Ground still have the random deployment. But if you roll sufficiently or use might you can put your archers in position to hurt the opponent....
In addition ALL other scenarios let you deploy on your board edge if you so choose. Reconnoitre says the warbands come in from the board edge and the final three let you deploy 'within 24 inches of your table edge'.
That means elves, Knights of Rivendell, Rohan, x bows, all these units can sit in the back and spam shoot again. Arnor? Just got better. Rohan? better. Etc.
So what are your thoughts guys.
In my opinion, I still dont think the scenarios are balanced.
To the death-Whoevers harder to break has a better chance to win. People can make the argument more elite armies are harder to break, but by sheer numbers, horde armies are harder.
Lords of Battle-Definitely favors elite armies
Hold Ground-Favors more balanced armies with rounded warbands. Still may help either side depending on rolls. Final objective in middle strongly favors hordes.
Recon-Favors hordes.
Domination- Benefits larger armies because you can send more units in various locations or tie up your opponent to not make it there.
Herilooms-Largely depending on who uncovers the relic. I believe whoever finds this has a better chance to hold it.
It seems to me a few things have happened:-Shooting just vastly improved(more turns of shooting if your opponent so chooses)
-Larger number armies just got some bonuses
-A little more randomness has been thrown into the game