The One Ring

OR Awards - Official Results OUT NOW!
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Author:  Dagorlad [ Sun Oct 19, 2008 10:25 pm ]
Post subject:  OR Awards - Official Results OUT NOW!

Sorry guys, but there will be a slight delay with the official results. We're awaiting the decision on the Committee's Choice award before we do the big formal announcement thing. We seem to have a couple of missing committee members.

The votes in the Competiton Categories tell the tale of who won each category though, so well done ladies and gents for a superb round of competition.

Congratulations to all those who entered.

Author:  Dagorlad [ Fri Oct 24, 2008 12:12 am ]
Post subject: 

Ok the results are in!

Firstly, my profound apologies for taking so long with getting the results out. We had some difficulty co-ordinating the Committee's Choice Award, but we're all done now, so...

The envelope please....

[spoiler]Boromir, Captain of Gondor, by Thorgrim the 3rd

We felt that Thorgrim had tried really hard with this model. He's used a lot of colours and has tried shading and highlighting. He's even painted the base in a textured pattern. It really impressed us how much work he's put into it. With some encouragement and practice, he'll make an excellent painter.


Now, the official results for the rest of the Awards...


The Results of the September 2008 One Ring Awards are as follows:-

[h2]Open Categories[/h2]
[b]Best Painted Miniature

1st Place - Plastic Dwarf Ranger by Tidoco
2nd Place - Elladan, son of Elrond by Torulethemall
3rd Place - Mountain Giant by

Best Terrain Piece or Diorama
1st Place - Elvish Temple Ruin by Jaberwocky
2nd Place - Ambush at Amon Hen by
3rd Place - Dwarven Hold, the Storage Chamber by Natarn Ulka

Best Sculpting / Conversion Piece
1st Place - Banner of the Dead by Natarn Ulka
2nd Place - Osgiliath Captain by Lords of Glamorgath
3rd Place - Troll Drummer by Jaberwocky

[h2]Beginners Ony[/h2]
General Beginners Category
1st Place - Cave Troll by ravenwolf1975
2nd Place - Woodelf Archer by Elbereth
3rd Place - Thranduil by Curunthir

[h2]The LOTR Themed Challenge [/h2]
'One Ring Master Craftsman' - Magic!
1st Place - Magic of Gandalf vs the Magic of the One Ring by BilboOfTheWhiteTower
2nd Place - Spectre of the Dead Marshes by Lords of Glamorgarth
3rd Place - Gandalf in Hobbiton by lostorpedos

All members who have won physical prizes (not coins) please PM DurinsBane or Dagorlad with their names and addresses and the prizes will be organised in due course.

Author:  KC88 [ Fri Oct 24, 2008 12:56 am ]
Post subject: 

Some really nice models won this time around, I enjoyed looking at all the winners.

But seriously the CC award, "he tried hard" ... The model is not even fully on the what a joke.

Author:  thorgrim the 3rd [ Fri Oct 24, 2008 3:40 am ]
Post subject: 

Excuse me Kc88 i think that comment was extremely rude to me "he tried hard"... The model is not even fully on the what a joke. The reason for that is i was trying to make him stand on a sort or rock with one foot but seeing as im not a great sculpter with green stuff when i was fiddling around with him i discovered that pose which makes him look like hes standing on a piece of slab. And also reading the rules i haven't read anywhere that the committee choice award has to be the best they can find.

Author:  Dagorlad [ Fri Oct 24, 2008 4:06 am ]
Post subject: 

KC88, that was a bit out of line. The award isn't about 'the best of the best' - it's about encouraging people to achieve their best. If you have a complaint about the decision, feel free to PM me and we'll talk about it.

The reason that was selected was not because of the level of supreme excellence to which it was finished, but rather because the painter had tried really hard and, as I said in my original post, is capable of reaching greater heights with his hobby with some encouragement and support.

As are we all.

So, the decision is final and I proudly stand by that decision as being the right one for this season's awards. Next season, perhaps it will go to an expert hobbyist with years of experience, but perhaps not. Everyone who tries hard in these awards gets a chance to win, because they truly deserve it.

Author:  Dorthonion [ Fri Oct 24, 2008 7:02 am ]
Post subject: 

Congratulations one and all for your efforts, especially the winners.

My only concern here is that yet again, some of the entries were not well photographed so you were not giving yourselves the best chance. If you do not own a decent digital camera, ask a friend or relative to take the pics for you and use the best one they can provide. It's really simple, but makes an awful difference as we can only judge the entries on what we can actually see.

Author:  mitch_rohan [ Fri Oct 24, 2008 9:42 am ]
Post subject: 

yes that post was extremely rude and a fine show of a bad loser anyways congratualtions thorgrim the 3rd nice mini as well :D unfortuately i wasnt able to vote as ive been quite busy just wondering as well thorgrim the 3rd what did u win and also wondering what all the pirzes were. and congratulations again as well keep up the good work!!

Author:  Joansean [ Fri Oct 24, 2008 10:49 am ]
Post subject: 

A big Congratulations to the winners!

Well, I know what I'm doing for the next awards .. looking forward to it!

Author:  Olofér [ Fri Oct 24, 2008 12:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Congrats all! :)

All very nice miniatures and good winners, although my favourite was Kirdans Saruman in the open category, great use of white and very skillful painting!

When is the next OR awards?

Author:  lorderkenbrand [ Fri Oct 24, 2008 2:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well done to all winners and runners up! Let's hope the next awards are as good :D

Author:  Natarn [ Fri Oct 24, 2008 6:38 pm ]
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:D Well done, Thorgrim. Let's hope KC88 has a better understanding of what the Committee's Choice is about now. It's good to enjoy and applaud what we consider to be the best in each voting category and to encourage budding talent. Be more sporting KC - we all started painting at some time and evidence of attempting a range of painting skills, while still a novice painter, is great.

My first models were painted with flat colour as I had no idea of all the techniques possible. In fact, my very first models, painted during my first teenage years (I'm currently enjoying a second teenagehood), were painted using Humbrol enamel! Ghastly! I enjoyed it at the time and thought they were wonderful but... So, Thorgrim's work is fab by comparison and he shows great promise. Lucky blighter! I'd love to have one of those bears! (or an Ent) Hey, UKFB, you know my birthday is on the 17th March! :wink:

Author:  tidoco [ Fri Oct 24, 2008 7:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well done all in my opinion everyone that entered the awards is a winner, I said before that I am convinced that each time an awards is held the standard goes up. I hope to enter the next one and have plans for a submission but I will see what time I have to get it done as from next week on my work schedule increases by 150% for the forseeable future.

Author:  Azog [ Fri Oct 24, 2008 9:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

Some really nice models won this time around, I enjoyed looking at all the winners.

But seriously the CC award, "he tried hard" ... The model is not even fully on the what a joke.
Chicago Domination!!!!!

ummm ... sorry to rake the coals but the Committee Choice Award is nothing to do with the members. I like to think of it as our reward for the countless hours we have beavered away in the past (and currently) to define rules, answer questions and all the other stuff associated with the awards.

It is fantastic to try and inspire members with OUR award that WE feel a member deserves. Sometimes it's for outstanding talent, sometimes for a member who we want to try and inspire to greater things.

.. Azog climbs down of his soapbox...

Anyway Congratulations Thorgrim the 3rd, I hope that the Committee Choice Award will encourage you to greater things in the future.

Author:  Erunion [ Fri Oct 24, 2008 10:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

I would like to add my congratulations to all of the participants and winners. There was a lot of talent evident in this round of the One Ring Awards, and I'm not ashamed to have finished in the middle of the pack, given my competition.

Now, consider the challenge issued for next time around, because I'm going to place one of these days! :P

Author:  lotrscenerybuilder [ Fri Oct 24, 2008 10:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

Personally, I liked Akh-Ra’s “They are coming” miniature very much. I think he did a superb job by applying these ‘nocturnal’ colours onto the model. And the blue-ish gleam from the sword on Frodo’s face looks wonderful! A true piece of art.

Natarn Ulka’s “Banner of the Dead” was also my first choice. Jaberwocky’s “Troll Drummer” however, is another impressive conversion as the sculptor has succeeded in capturing just the right ‘pose’ of the creature; IMO a more true-looking troll than that Buhrdûr or any other of the GW troll-family.

Being a Dwarf myself, and fairly acquainted with the depths of Moria, I was attracted by the “Dwarven Hold”. I wonder where the idea has come from; it looks very original to me (it is probably explained in some WIP-article that hasn’t yet caught my eye…). When it comes to originality, I also like to mention the “Scoured Hobbit Hole”. The model I viewed most often is… Amon Hen. I’m not sure why. When placed in the right environment, on a hill-top with some trees, yellow grass and a blue sky, it might surprise me how well-looking this ‘ruin’ really is…

BilboOfTheWhiteTower has produced a truly captivating diorama. However, two details that kept distracting me from his “Magic of Gandalf” were that Dragon-rocket in Gandalf’s cart and the paintwork on the Galadriel miniature.

As for the Beginners-category… I didn’t dare to vote because of the presence of that “Register”-button. I thought there were still more entries to come. Stupid. Now, I sympathize with the supporters of Thorgrim the 3rd. His painting techniques might be only slightly ahead of mine, but I do admire his attention for details.

Well done, everybody.

Author:  Dagorlad [ Fri Oct 24, 2008 11:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

Olofér wrote:
When is the next OR awards?

They are run 6 months apart, so the next ones will start in March and voting will be in April.

We will be announcing the theme for the next Master Craftsman category soon so you all have plenty of time to plan for it, and I really encourage people to try their hardest for it. That is the main category that we want people to do their absolute best work in - that one is definitely all about 'The Best of the Best'

Over the Holiday period we will be running another competition to celebrate our official 5th birthday, but it probably won't be a modelling/painting competition - more details to come (when we figure it all out).

In the meantime, we (the OR Comp Committee) hope you have enjoyed these Awards and are inspired to join in next time for some great prizes and a chance for serious bragging rights!

Author:  thorgrim the 3rd [ Sat Oct 25, 2008 4:36 am ]
Post subject: 

Awesome another competition to look forward to.

Maybe next OR competition i will enter the majestic bear hmmmmm or maybe my elven flag bearer, either way cant wait.

Author:  Ukfreddybear [ Mon Oct 27, 2008 11:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

Congratulations to all who entered. Sadly I couldn't get my entry finished in time, so I eagerly look forward to the next awards! (Hopefully it won't clash with a Majestic Bear release next time round. I really should plan these things better.)

Author:  Flame-Of-The-West [ Sun Nov 16, 2008 10:53 am ]
Post subject: 

Where can you find the entries? I'd like to see the winners, they sound really cool.

Author:  Kieffer [ Sun Nov 16, 2008 12:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

Flame-Of-The-West wrote:
Where can you find the entries? I'd like to see the winners, they sound really cool.

On the left side of the website under the label "One Ring Awards" there is a "Competition Categories" link, just click it. :)

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