JamesR wrote:
From my understanging the Rohirrim lose the strikes from the cav that died, thats pretty clear in the rules.
yes but does that mean the formation of riders loses just two D6 for the two riders that were killed? Or to they lose 8 D6 (6 D6 charge bonus and 2 D6 riders) ?? that was the point which was unclear.
JamesR wrote:
The troll killed them before they made contact with the goblins and I'd say the troll moves in as the rohirrim are in essence "clipping" him because of his move and the rules never show a move that reduces the number of companies that are already in a combat
Again with the clipping.. who clips on to whom? Does the troll move forward to still be in base contact with the riders? Or do the riders move towards the troll to still be in base contact?? In that last case the riders would make less base contact with goblins so would those goblins not be able to strike?