The One Ring

Hobbit Rulebook no longer available (for certain countries)
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Author:  Voyager360 [ Fri Mar 16, 2018 6:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Hobbit Rulebook no longer available (for certain countries)

The hardcover rulebook for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey is no longer available on GW's website or on Forgeworld [Edit: At least for certain non-US, non-Canada and non-UK countries]. It doesn't say 'Temporarily Out of Stock' but actually says 'No Longer Available Online', with no option to be notified about a restock.

Does this mean a new rulebook is inbound and GW has decided to no longer be reprinting this one? I'm guessing it's just an error or oversight, but a new rulebook would be awesome!

EDIT: So it is still up for sale when choosing the US, the UK or Canada as a delivery option.

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