The One Ring

[*] The Reality Check - Archers - by Thrór Clawhammer
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Author:  Valdor [ Wed Jul 25, 2007 8:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

TheElvenLord wrote:
Conclusion,Flaming arrows WERE used alot and were a very effective weapon.

They were indeed used a lot, but this was about the fact if an arrow can put a man on fire. Of course, hit a thatched roof and it's on fire, but a person won't catch fire that quickly.

Author:  ringking [ Fri Aug 03, 2007 2:42 am ]
Post subject: 

just tried these rules in a game, but i found that alot of the, fire arrows in particular where just a pain in the butt to use, and we got bored of them very quickley.

Author:  glaiber [ Thu Apr 02, 2009 1:41 am ]
Post subject: 

very cool very cool indeed several problems though most of them have been covered confusing but as i say again cool

Author:  Raggbur [ Sun Jul 25, 2010 8:50 am ]
Post subject:  Reality Check: Archers

Sometimes it's verry confiusing Thròr, you wrote by example:

Quote: their arrows greater range and making them harder to hit

Alright, if this is true, why does your rules represent the opposite ?
Because, when following those, I should substract something of their range!
(So intelligent archers go up hills, wich is stupid because they're doesn't get any bonusses of it)

2) As Hithero already said, you wrote that humans may not use flaming arrows, what iq very strange because your pic shows a human who's firing a flaming arrrow

3) The Shooting Riders rule is a good one, but you make a wrong comparatif; Riders of Rohan are the only cavalery who could do such a trick, because they're exellent riders.

4) I think you don't get the rules about charging and moving, your example of an Uruk-Hai who charges a Rider of Rohan would look in SbG like this:
Uruk-Hai moves his 6" towards a Rider of Rohan, but the distance is to far so he can't charge him in this turn
Shooting fase: the RR shoots him down
=> you see, the shooting and fighting fase just take place in a couple of second between all the movement fases

5) The only time I would use the Fallen Warriors rule is in small doorways, bridges, castle walls, and so on => places where just a few warriors are able to stand next to each other

Conclusion: most of your ideas where great, but they still need to be worked out => they still doesn't meet my needs

Author:  Noddwyr [ Sun Jul 25, 2010 6:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

To your first point Thror did write :
or every full 3" of height, the archers must subtract 1" from their range. For example, an Orc firing at an Elf on a hill 6" high would be able to fire only 16", rather than the full 18".

Therefore addressing the opposite and making it worth it for intelligent archers to go up hills.

As to your second concern, dont nitpick, it was probably the only picture he could find, and he talks about how OCRS shoot flaming arrows in the text part.

Author:  Raggbur [ Sun Jul 25, 2010 6:44 pm ]
Post subject: 


1) I'm sorry, I misunderstanded that sentence :x . So it's worth to go hiking.
But still, there's nothing wrote about extra damage or range increase.

2) You're right about the pic (sorry Thròr), but what I ment was that it's strange that warriors of Rohan may not use flaming arrows. I mean, wy shouldn't they?


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