The One Ring

No Plans
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Author:  Gandlaf the Grey [ Thu Dec 17, 2009 9:17 pm ]
Post subject:  No Plans

I popped into my local GW store today and asked the question on any new LOTR releases. In particular I was keen for any news on any new Rohan figures.
It appears the staff are aware of the releases three months in advance and there is nothing in this period on a major release scale. The releases will be in relation to the other games they produce, Warhammer etc.
What I was told though is that would mean no major release in the first quarter of the year, which is not good for them, so therefore the likelihood is for a major release about April, May.
As always he gave his get out clause of there may be some in the coming months but it appears this will only be the odd figure.
I never knew all this so forgive me if it's stuff people already know.

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