The One Ring

Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game Starter Set
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Author:  Warlord [ Sat Jun 03, 2017 4:31 am ]
Post subject:  Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game Starter Set

With all the hype about the new Warhammer 40K 8th Edition, it made me think that if the future Middle Earth SBG will want to attract new players and yet keep existing players, it will need a new starter set with plastic models. It would need to be available on the Games Workshop site and in stores, much like the new Blood Bowl game. It would also need plastics, just like all the other starter sets.

Here is my idea of what would be a great starter set:

12 x Plastic Mirkwood Armoured Elves
1 x Finecast Mirkwood Elf Captain

12 x Plastic Gundabad Orcs
1 x Finecast Gundabad Orc Captain

1 x Middle Earth SBG small rulebook
1 x starter set army list with paint guide
2 x measuring sticks
2 x specialty dice
2 x terrain

GW's expectation is that the starter sets will sell in high numbers, this would justify the plastic elves and orcs which must be cast in large quantities to offset the cost. Current gamers would buy it because we have been begging for plastics Mirkwood Elves and Gundabad orcs, but with the new specialist games falling under Forgeworld, it is unlikely we will ever see plastic again outside a starter set. New comers would buy the set since it gives you two complete warbands as well as leaders. Another option would be finecast Thranuil and Azog as heroes instead of the captains.

It is inconceivable for a "Battle of Five armies" starter set since you would need to represent all of the five armies, making the set cost prohibitive. Instead just label it "Assault on Mount Gundabad" hinting at an earlier conflict between Mirkwood and Gundabad outside the films and the books.

Here's to wishful thinking!

Author:  McGarnacle [ Sun Jun 04, 2017 4:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game Starter Set

This would be cool. I would also like to see something like Start Collecting! for Middle Earth SBG. A set of warriors, a few elites and a couple of heroes. For Minas Tirith, 12 warriors, 4 Fountain Guards and Command Set.

Author:  metalface13 [ Mon Jun 05, 2017 9:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game Starter Set

I think both ideas would be awesome. However I think a Start Collecting series would be more likely.

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