The One Ring

Help with Iron hill Dwarves 400 points
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Author:  Desildore [ Mon Sep 25, 2017 4:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Help with Iron hill Dwarves 400 points

Greetings. I am a long time fan of Tolkien. Dwarves and
Elves is what I really like the most. Have met a great group
who plays LOTR and The Hobbit. Bought a Galadhrim force today and I also want to buy a 400 point army of Iron hill Dwarves. What should I get? No one in group play with them because of the price tag. Please help me, I am eager to begin :gimli:

Author:  Dikey [ Tue Sep 26, 2017 8:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with Iron hill Dwarves 400 points

well, I guess that a box of 12 spearmen is a must. Then you can take two blisters of crossbowmen and two blisters with captains. Or maybe an Erebor Reclaimed List: instead of the two blisters with captains, take the one with Gloin, Dori and Nori. You'll have something like this

Warband 1
Gloin (3 might, 3 attacks with +1 to wound)
12 Iron Hills Dwarves with shield and spear
Warband 2
Dori (3 attacks +1 wound)
6 Iron Hill with Crossbows

that will leave you with 19 points.

Author:  Desildore [ Tue Sep 26, 2017 9:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with Iron hill Dwarves 400 points

Dikey wrote:
well, I guess that a box of 12 spearmen is a must. Then you can take two blisters of crossbowmen and two blisters with captains. Or maybe an Erebor Reclaimed List: instead of the two blisters with captains, take the one with Gloin, Dori and Nori. You'll have something like this

Warband 1
Gloin (3 might, 3 attacks with +1 to wound)
12 Iron Hills Dwarves with shield and spear
Warband 2
Dori (3 attacks +1 wound)
6 Iron Hill with Crossbows

that will leave you with 19 points.

Thank you for the reply :) Sounds like two good starting points.

Author:  Desildore [ Mon Oct 02, 2017 1:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with Iron hill Dwarves 400 points

Should I get two captains with spear or one with mattock?

Author:  polywags [ Mon Oct 23, 2017 10:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with Iron hill Dwarves 400 points

I actually just got some Iron hills stuff and I got the goat riders and converted one of those guys to be the captain and same thing for one of the spearmen.

I would get the spear though, not the maddock. You definitely want to mount the captains though!

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