The One Ring

Looking for some metal Morannons
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Author:  aelfwine [ Mon Aug 15, 2016 11:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Looking for some metal Morannons

Hi all!

Sort of chancing-my-arm here. I've mostly finished assembling and painting a Mordor Orc army from the remnants of the stuff left over from the theft some years ago, and so forth. In the process I discovered I had nine painted metal Morannons and I would like twelve for a full warband. I also discovered I had two complete metal warg riders left over, a slightly damaged (missing part of the extended, non load bearing leg) Sharku, which I was going to repair and two incomplete Warg riders, which would have ended up as bitz.

I also still need to get that raised Galadhrim knight sword arm for a particular project I've been meaning to get around to for years now.

Anyone able to help/interested? I may have more pieces to trade.

Trade Form

Canada: Montreal;

I have:
    * Sharku on Warg (damaged)
    * Warg Rider with spear
    * 2 Warg riders with bow
    * one broken metal warg rider for bits
    * Metal Isildur
    * Metal Elendil
    * single metal Citadel Guard archer (kept to be a captain for a WOTR project)
    * A baggie of little plastic orc bits for conversion - from the Hunter Orc sprue and from the Wargames Factory orc sprue - they deserve a good home

And I would like:
    * Galadhrim knight sword arm
    * Metal Morannon Orc captain (any of the four or so models would work)
    * Metal Morannon Orcs

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