The One Ring

ISO 40K Squats--have assorted LOTR
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Author:  dpb1298 [ Mon Oct 05, 2020 5:04 pm ]
Post subject:  ISO 40K Squats--have assorted LOTR

Hello y'all,

Feel free to delete if this is too off-topic/out of place. But I was wondering if anyone had old 40K Squats that they'd be willing to part with?
I think that this old list of mine is still mostly accurate for haves, but I'll verify as soon as possible and update.

1 Scourging of the Shire (sealed metal box)
Kardush the Firecaller (sealed metal blister)
Bare Metal Saruman and Grima
1 metal uruk-hai Captain and 1 Metal Uruk Hai Banner Bearer (painted well)
1 Isenguard Troll Assembled
108 Uruk-Hai Warriors (25 painted well)
2 Uruk-Hai Banner Bearer Conversions
2 Bare Metal OOP Uruk-Hai Beserkers
47 Mordor Orcs (8 assembled but unpainted, 21 on spruces, 18 painted well)

I know it's been a few years since I was active here, but back in the day, I completed many trades with positive feedback.

Anyway, please let me know if y'all have any old squats lying around collecting dust.



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