The One Ring

Generals from History, what can they teah me about SBG?
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Author:  undivided [ Mon Jul 06, 2015 2:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Generals from History, what can they teah me about SBG?

This is a youtube video I recorded explaining my thinking over the past week or so. This is my new project, I want to bring principles from great generals and break them down in a way that I can use them in SBG. In this video I specifically look at Tau, Shih, Node and Wei Wu from the writings of Sun Tzu! Also I like to site other people who I have gotten ideas from such as Holy Hand Grenade from the Warhammer Empire forums.

Let me know what you guys think about this new project!

Author:  generalripphook [ Mon Jul 06, 2015 9:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Generals from History, what can they teah me about SBG?

It was a very nice video and you made some nice comments. Words of advice

Are you using a script? if so you should really consider this so you can get rid of umss and dead words.

Make sure to be filming/voice recording in a very quiet space so we dont get cars sounds or background noise.

Visually since you arent filming yourself I'd almost treat it like a power point and have some lines of text overtop the video of your key points/quotes from the generals.

Author:  undivided [ Mon Jul 06, 2015 9:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Generals from History, what can they teah me about SBG?

Thanks! I will do for future videos!

Author:  Spike117 [ Fri Jul 10, 2015 1:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Generals from History, what can they teah me about SBG?

Like the video, and my gaming companion utilizes historical tactics very well; he will mutter, "I'll go Hannibal this round," at the beginning of a game and you know you are in trouble!

He hasn't lost one game in our 6-man group yet and in allied games usually is the most important contributor to victory.

Author:  undivided [ Fri Jul 10, 2015 1:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Generals from History, what can they teah me about SBG?

Wow! I guess I will have to add Hanibal to my list of Generals to research! Thanks!

That's also great news that I may be on the right track with this experiment!

Yesterday I was able to have a few games and the principles I have learned so far are paying off!

Author:  Spike117 [ Fri Jul 10, 2015 4:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Generals from History, what can they teah me about SBG?

Yeah, you know I figured some basic principles would apply since the game is pretty realistic considering it is a table top game, but I figured with such unique units and special rules that tailor to Middle-Earth, only the most fundamental rules of battle would be useful.

But I know now I was wrong. I'm trying to apply them now in my tactics, although it might be a little tougher to make it work for my Dwarves. I'll figure it out.

What faction do you normally play?

Author:  undivided [ Thu Jul 16, 2015 5:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Generals from History, what can they teah me about SBG?

Hey guys, I posted a new battle report referring to these ideas and how it would have changed my game. Here is the link:

Normally I play Woodelves or Gondor.

I think when it comes to Dwarves they are a force which starts at a high Shih. Things that you could do to grow your shih would be to use the terrain to reduce even further the chances of giving up wounds, keep them in close units making use of banners.

One thing I think a dwarf player should think about that I don't see as much is space. Dwarves create a solid wall on the battle field. How can you use the space that they take up on the board to limit the opponent's movement and trap them. Personally I think the Dwarves could be really helped my the tactics of Hannibal which I am looking at next month! He was really a master at using space and creating a lose lose situation for his opponents.

Author:  Spike117 [ Fri Jul 17, 2015 4:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Generals from History, what can they teah me about SBG?

undivided wrote:

One thing I think a dwarf player should think about that I don't see as much is space.

That is a concept I need to work on. In my first large game, spacing and movement was the issue I ran into. I expected my enemy to charge me on all sides so thought an armored column was a good idea. However, it could never bring the full might of the Dwarven force to bear. I intended to also make use of my bows and axes, but they couldn't kill the one obstacle in my way; 3 measly Orcs behind a large rock. Even after I got to close combat with some cannon fodder, my 28-man force could only really bring 5 or 6 max Dwarves to the fight at once, even when my flanking troops arrived.

As long as it took me to kill some Orcs and Goblins, Gondorian Archers and Spearmen were in the thick of the fight inflicting heavy casualties on the enemy; the Men of Rohan were literally (and a lot of the time failing) fighting for their lives in the front lines.

Even when I reached Mauhur's guard and a throwing axe killed off one of them, I really only 3-4 Dwarves that threatened his position and it would take a few turns for the low-movement Dwarves to get to grips with him (which never happened because of time constraints).

So I think, despite that 5-inch movement restriction, I could have deployed much better and moved with an intent and purpose to smash into the enemy, not sit back and fire axes and arrows at a rock.

Nice video by the way 8)

Author:  undivided [ Sat Jul 18, 2015 1:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Generals from History, what can they teah me about SBG?

Thanks! Stay tuned, I plan to put out one tactics a month and release one bat rep per week focusing on the principles of that tactica.

The nice thing about these principles are that hopefully they take into account your play style and your enemy's. Who knows maybe for some scenario there will be a good use for an armoured column. It just sounds like it wasn't a good fit for that battle haha especially because dwarves would like to lend their heavy armour in helping those weaker allies.

Either way I find dwarves in one big unit much easier to handle then dwarves in a couple units boxing me in. Dwarves take up a small amount of real estate but the space that they take up is not lost easily so take key positions and hold the enemy out. This is usually best done in more then one unit.

Author:  Spike117 [ Sat Jul 18, 2015 3:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Generals from History, what can they teah me about SBG?

undivided wrote:
It just sounds like it wasn't a good fit for that battle haha especially because dwarves would like to lend their heavy armour in helping those weaker allies.
Either way I find dwarves in one big unit much easier to handle then dwarves in a couple units boxing me in. Dwarves take up a small amount of real estate but the space that they take up is not lost easily so take key positions and hold the enemy out. This is usually best done in more then one unit.

I learned my lesson for sure! Next battle I will try out these new tactics and, hopefully, they will work; I'll try and make a post about it.

Author:  undivided [ Sun Jul 19, 2015 1:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Generals from History, what can they teah me about SBG?

That would be great! Be sure to post a link here so we can see!

Author:  MRmehman [ Wed Jul 22, 2015 6:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Generals from History, what can they teah me about SBG?

Little rough around the edges as far as recording goes but that was incredibly helpful. I could have sworn that "Tau" is pronounced "Dau" though.

Author:  undivided [ Thu Jul 23, 2015 11:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Generals from History, what can they teah me about SBG?

You could be very right! And don't worry recording is getting better. I will use dau from now on. Thanks!

Author:  undivided [ Sat Aug 08, 2015 7:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Generals from History, what can they teah me about SBG?

Finished my second tactica on historical figures and how they affect SBG! This time I focus on Hannibal Barca and some of the tactics we can take from him.

Check it out here!

Author:  Silver_legion [ Sun Aug 09, 2015 2:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Generals from History, what can they teah me about SBG?

Hey just going through your first video now, pretty great ! just a pointer for the the future ones, could you do them in higher resolutions ? If im going to look at the pictures i'd prefer a better resolution :)

Author:  undivided [ Tue Aug 11, 2015 12:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Generals from History, what can they teah me about SBG?

Hey SilverLegion sure I will! Just for you! thanks for watching.

Just from doing these 2 videos I have increased my play ability by a lot! Gone from losing 2 of 3 games to winning 2 of 3 games!

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