The One Ring

Red Corsairs WIP - What Now? (09 09 17)
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Author:  Red Corsairs [ Sat Sep 09, 2017 8:16 am ]
Post subject:  Red Corsairs WIP - What Now? (09 09 17)

Hi all,

It is no lie that my passion for the hobby has dwindled in recent years, but a recent re-watching of the trilogy has rekindled my spark and I'm looking to get back into it, at least in some form. My first port of call is my beloved One Ring family of course.

I will be starting from scratch in terms of Hobby so I've got to get a hold of tools, paints etc before I can begin painting, but this is in progress.

What are people's thoughts on The Army Painter range of paints? They appear more reasonably priced than that of Citadel and Vallejo but is there a reason for this?

I'll not be amassing any armies, instead painting single miniatures one-by-one that 'tickle my fancy'. My first thought was an Aragorn, maybe Helms Deep, but please throw in any suggestions of minis you'd like to see me tackle. It's been a long time since I painted anything, but I've grown and my patience has grown, so I hope that I can improve my skills with a brush over the coming months.

Please feel free to make suggestions as to what I should paint first, and as they come in I'll get some orders made and once the tools arrive the painting shall commence!

Look forward to hearing from you all and thanks in advance,

Author:  Coenus Scaldingus [ Sat Sep 09, 2017 10:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Red Corsairs WIP - What Now? (09 09 17)

Good to see you coming back - as the way West called the Elves, so too does the hobby call those who once were part of it.

Army Painter paints are perfectly decent, got a good few in my motley collection alongside Citadel and Vallejo. Perhaps a bit thinner in my experience, which is better or worse depending on your preferences (watering down paints for highlights or using them for washes, I can't say I notice most of the time).

As for what to paint.. just go wherever your interests guide you! No better motivation for painting something than wanting to paint that particular thing.

Author:  Lothíriel [ Sat Sep 09, 2017 2:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Red Corsairs WIP - What Now? (09 09 17)

Army Painter paints are fine! The gimmick with them is that they are perfectly matched to their spray paints. I have some of the Wolf Grey ones for Space Wolves but haven't really committed to that project yet, ha! (As if I'll commit to any project, butterfly that I am!) :-X

Author:  Red Corsairs [ Sat Sep 09, 2017 2:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Red Corsairs WIP - What Now? (09 09 17)

Thanks for the feedback both, sounds like I'll give them a whirl seeing as I've found £75 for 50.

Author:  jdizzy001 [ Sat Sep 09, 2017 3:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Red Corsairs WIP - What Now? (09 09 17)

I love army painter. They're masterclass brush is an amazing deal too. Quality brush for a reasonable brush

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