The One Ring

Warhammer lizardmen
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Author:  AlatartheRed [ Fri May 01, 2015 12:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Warhammer lizardmen

I'm looking into starting a 2500 point army for lizard men but am wondering how to best go about it any help and army lists would be appreciated

Author:  Creaky [ Fri May 01, 2015 7:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Warhammer lizardmen

Wait, would be my first advice.

There's a strong possibility Lizardmen won't be around in a few months time considering the End Times and the rumours that the next edition is a sort of reboot. Don't blow hundreds on an army to find that the game dies just after you finish the last model.

If Lizards are still around in 9th Edition, then things may be different enough that I wouldn't know where to start recommending things.

Author:  Sithious [ Sat May 02, 2015 1:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Warhammer lizardmen

Yeah, I heard that WHF will be the new skirmish game, with small armies with mostly specialized models and heroes so that they can still charge tons for the models they make but you won't need as many to play the game (#1 complaint about GW is price to play a game).

This is also the rumor to replace LOTR/Hobbit as the small intro skirmish game but it will be GW's IP and they can milk the army releases and release a couple figures every couple months and really make a nice market for it and the collector. I am sure they will still have some sort of large army battle rules but it will not be the focus. This would explain the rumor of all LOTR/Hobbit going direct buy only. And would solidify rumors that Gw will not be making any more new LOTr/Hobbit models.

Take all of this as rumor cause I only heard from discussions with gamers and store owners.

On a side note, Lizardmen are my favorite models for WHF and I still have all of mine. I really like how the armies look and all the cool lizards and dinosaurs brings out the kid in me.

Author:  AlatartheRed [ Tue May 05, 2015 12:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Warhammer lizardmen

I think I will wait thanks for the advise. Although this is rumor im hoping fantasy remains a larger game system that was the main reason I was going to get an army. I suppose there is 40K but im more into fantasy style of miniature. Ive loved dinosaurs and dragons since I was a kid and that's the main reason was looking into a lizard man army.

Author:  Creaky [ Tue May 05, 2015 10:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Warhammer lizardmen

In the worst case scenario, so long as you can get your gaming buddies to try some other games, then there's no real reason to hold back. Something like Open Combat is excellent at skirmish level play, and allows you to build you own profiles. Just pick up the models you like and you can stat them up. At larger scales, Kings of War is fairly similar to WFB and encourages fan-made army lists. Similarly, Dragon Rampant is upcoming, and sounds quite good - it's based on a pre-existing ruleset for historical games, so it's got a good track record.

The main worry on that front is that if Lizardmen go away then the model range could be pulled before you're happy with your collection, so that risk is up to you.

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