The One Ring

Hirst Arts bridge - Mold 74
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Author:  Mapper [ Wed Feb 27, 2019 11:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Hirst Arts bridge - Mold 74

I must have put together this bridge 8 - 10 years ago, it is Hirst Arts Fieldstone bridge, mold 74.

Not wanting to use steps at either end, it is not as tall as the mold will allow, and I made the bridge longer by adding an extra block in the middle. I had painted it with brown and green paints at the time, imagining it as a bridge over a small stream in the forest.

Pulled it out of the back of a drawer yesterday and thought about redoing it with greys or even sand colors. Decided to keep it brown and green but added washes, pumice and ground cover to it, things I wasn't doing ten years ago.



Of course I then had to add some figures to it.




Looking at my shield maiden Belwyn, I re-positioned her head 90 degrees so she was looking over her shield vs straight forward.


Author:  Voyager360 [ Thu Mar 07, 2019 1:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hirst Arts bridge

Looks beautiful!

Author:  DaveT [ Thu Mar 07, 2019 10:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hirst Arts bridge

Really nice work!

Author:  Mapper [ Sun May 16, 2021 4:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hirst Arts bridge - Mold 74

Wondering if I wanted a bridge for my game table, I decided to redo my fieldstone bridge, Hirst Arts mold 74.

Went with a higher profile and narrower bridge.


As you can see, the problem with the field stone mold is the gaps it leaves between pieces. I used another piece to rub down the edges to give it a worn look and kept the dust (pile at the bottom)

I used that dust and some white pva glue to fill in the cracks along the edges of the bridge and the major holes on the outside. Also tried to break up the straight line down the middle with this. Very messy doing this, and make sure to blow off any remaining dust before painting. The bottom picture I added some more heavier pumice to the bridge.


The three stages of the bridge; initial build, holes filled in and base coated, final result.


Another look at the final bridge. The nice part about the field stone mold is that you can break off individual stones to use as clutter.


The two bridges


IF I was to do it again, I would go with the three wide size to allow the troll base to fit, I wouldn't break the part of the bridge on the top but along the slope as the stones hinder placement of a figure on the level part.

Not sure if I want the bridge on gaming table, but now I am thinking a ramp vs steps going into the gate. Might build a new one in two halves, so I can use it as a bridge or ramp.

Author:  DaveT [ Mon May 17, 2021 9:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hirst Arts bridge - Mold 74

Seems like a lot of work for something you don't know if you want or not. :)

Looks great, though. I love the HirstArts stuff, though I haven't done anything with it myself in years. Too many projects....

Author:  Mapper [ Tue May 18, 2021 1:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hirst Arts bridge - Mold 74

It actually wasn't that much work.... With family obligations and yard work, I could cast some pieces, leave them alone while I do something else. Building, painting, etc I just do a little at a time - non thinking hobbying :-)

As with everything I do with Hirst Arts. I learn something everytime to do better next time.

Author:  Kuribo [ Tue May 18, 2021 10:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hirst Arts bridge - Mold 74

For my money, that new bridge has a bit more life and a better paint job (though both look great). I love the scenic images too. Hirst Arts has some interesting molds that might be handy for a future project you know I'm looking at so I may be in touch down the road to see what wisdom you can impart 8)

Author:  Mapper [ Sun Jan 23, 2022 4:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hirst Arts bridge - Mold 74

Yes DaveT, another bridge :D

I was casting plaster for my cobblestone roads so cast some more for a new bridge.

Decided to make this a gaming bridge, wide enough for trolls,etc; slight ramp to keep figures from sliding off, larger flat part on top for more battle. Kept the inside of bridge clean.


All my bridges. Will probably toss my first one, might make the middle one more damaged or toss depending on storage.


With a troll


Rangers vs orcs


Author:  robh [ Sun Jan 23, 2022 5:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hirst Arts bridge - Mold 74

Nicely done, the moss growth and weathering are very effective.

Author:  DaveT [ Mon Jan 24, 2022 10:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hirst Arts bridge - Mold 74

I hope this won't be a bridge too far. (....I'll show myself out)

Great work as usual. Looks perfect for the Scouring of the Shire scenario with Lotho.

Instead of tossing the extra bridge I'm sure you could recoup some of the investment on eBay.

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