The One Ring

February challenge
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Author:  Cave Dragon [ Wed Dec 19, 2018 3:26 pm ]
Post subject:  February challenge

Poll uploaded on: March first
Giving two months for this one, as it is harder and... Different.
Challenge: Creat a model, that exists in the books or movies, but has no in-game representation.
Step 1: Generate a profile.
Step 2: Mold a model, adjust it, etc.
Step 3: paint
Step 4: Create a profile that is made in a similar fashion to GWs. You need the picture, name, character description, stats, equipment, keywords, special rules, etc.

Please note that if you choose to do a warrior, you must include all available wargear in the profile. Creative liberties are allowed for where descriptions are lacking. Have fun!
I know some of you have also been toying with first age elves... Ahem, you should use your WIP for this one.

Author:  Goblin Town Crier [ Sat Dec 22, 2018 1:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: February challenge

This is an amazing idea for a challenge! Get to convert, paint and use some photoshop. I am gonna kick things of and commit to Vorodil the Hunter, the last Steward under a King. He also created the horn of Gondor. Gonna make him out of the plastic Boromir.

Can't wait to see what othere come up with. :)

Author:  Cave Dragon [ Sat Dec 22, 2018 2:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: February challenge

Glad to hear it! I thought it would spruce things up a bit... Or rather SPRUE things up a bit. Hehehe. Not sure what I will do, but I will actually have time to do this one. Might still get to the holiday one, but so little time...

Author:  Cave Dragon [ Thu Jan 03, 2019 1:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: February challenge

My profile for the February challenge...
I need name suggestions, or I am calling him:
The Troll That Stabbed Frodo But Died Instead. Karma
X represents his name. I will format this with my official entry.

A troll who rose within the ranks more so out of courage and strength rather than any form of intellect, x is a rather special troll. He is dim enough to ignore danger and pain, but smart enough to throw a stone with accuracy greater than the average troll throw. Moreover, he may often appear to be winning, while he really has simply lost count of how many enemies he has killed... at 2.

X the Troll Chieftain..........................135 POINTS
F7/4+ S7 D7 A3 W4 C5 M3 W2 F0
Wargear- Spear and Troll Chain

Special Rules
Immune to bow-fire

Ignoring pain and death alike, he lives to drive his spear home.
When X takes a bow wound, roll a D6. On a 4+ the wound is ignored, exactly if a point of fate had been spent.

Throw Stones, Strength 8, range 8"

Hobbit onslaught
Tiny folk are often overlooked, and thus they have a strength against the larger, but dimwitted, creatures of Middle Earth.
If a hobbit model wins a fight with X, and is at a higher elevation so as to be at head level, they may instead roll a single d6. On a 4+, they may climb on him. The immune to bow-fire is no longer in affect while the hobbit remains, and the hobbit will not be hit by friendly bow fire. The hobbit may get off of free will, or attempt to remain on top by rolling another D6, needing a 5+. Only two hobbits may ride X. X is also reduced to attack value 2 and fight 5, as he is trying to get the hobbits off.

Body Slam brutal power attack
X never knocks on the door, he just walks in, regardless of whether or not is barricaded.
If a terrain piece is in the way, X may charge it in a straight line. If he destroys it, he may move his remaining movement and will continue to damage any terrain obstructions in this way, stopping once he fails to destroy terrain or engages an enemy model. He may not stop until one of these two conditions is met. X receives +1 on all terrain to wound rolls, but may not use might. Should he fail to destroy a terrain piece, he takes one hit at the strength value of the terrain's defense value.

Author:  Goblin Town Crier [ Sun Jan 06, 2019 11:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: February challenge

Oh boy I enjoyed reading that! Nice one Cave Dragon, very imganitative!

Author:  Cave Dragon [ Mon Jan 07, 2019 12:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: February challenge

Thank you! But I still think that The Troll That Stabbed Frodo But Died Instead. Karma needs a better name. Maybe Lucy... Just kidding, what about Gornash?

Author:  Mapper [ Mon Jan 07, 2019 3:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: February challenge

"They got a Fergus"

Don't know why, but that is the name that first popped in my mind. :roll:

Author:  Cave Dragon [ Mon Jan 07, 2019 3:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: February challenge

Maybe... But the f makes it sound borderline elvish. Maybe Dergus? But that sounds like the goblin king of Moria.
I may go with Gornash.

Author:  infinateremains [ Tue Jan 08, 2019 3:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: February challenge

Amdír was a Sindarin elf from Doriath who left east into Eriador after the War of Wrath. He took over the realm of Lórinand (later Lórien) from the Silvan Elves who had had no lords before, south of where Oropher established the Woodland Realm among the Silvan Elves of Mirkwood.

Amdír and Oropher joined Gil-galad's forces when he crossed the Misty Mountains and took the help of the Longbeards of Moria in the War of the Last Alliance of Elves and Men. He was killed in the Battle of Dagorlad alongside most of those who followed him. His son Amroth succeeded him as King of Lórien.


EDIT: added a totally original character. The plan is to basically replace the lorien or mirkwood keyword in some appropriate profiles for the troops, maybe with a new cavalry or infantry type. I was partially interested in making a sort of elven militia profile called craftmen. They have craft tools which enable a choice of special strikes at the cost of -1 to win the fight.

- May also try to create a profile for the two named great eagles too.

EDIT 2: Opened it to the GBHL Facebook page and had some good pointers. Hopefully a bit more balanced.

Author:  Cave Dragon [ Tue Jan 08, 2019 9:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: February challenge

Nice! You generated that profile nicely, definitely a piece I would want to use. Well, at least if I had Silvan elves to go with him.

Author:  Cave Dragon [ Thu Feb 14, 2019 1:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: February challenge

Reminder that models must be painted as well. Good luck all! infinateremains, nice job. I assume the bottom is the entry?

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