The One Ring

Monthly Painting Challenge - November: Heroes without Names
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Author:  Mr Gimli [ Tue Feb 04, 2020 9:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Monthly Painting Challenge - November: Heroes without Names

:frodo: Monthly Painting Challenge :frodo:

Here it is, the ongoing painting challenge open to all. I hope to inspire some motivation for your projects and perhaps some friendly competition.


The rules to start are simple.

- Pick ONE of either: A hero, monster, warband or terrain piece to work on for the month.

- Submit a picture of your unpainted miniature(s).*

- Paint!

- Submit the picture of the completed miniature within the month to earn your points.

*Guide below courtesy of Gene Parmesan:

Sign up for a site like imgur. Upload the photos there. Copy the URL from the photo.

When writing a message here, there's a button below the subject line marked IMG. Click that and two sets of square brackets appear [ img][/img ] (I've added extra spaces here just as an example so it will show up)

Paste the URL between the IMG boxes [ img]www.example.jpg[/img ]

At the end of the month I will collate the posts into an ongoing leader board so that you can track your progress against others.

I have kept it flexible but this may be subject to change depending on your feedback. The main aim of this challenge is to have fun and if you are anything like me then for clearing your hobby backlog 8)

Leaderboard - TBC

November - Entries far, feel free to enter and let us know what you are working on!

October - Entries (Now Closed)
-Completed :D
- werrenor - Hero - The Betrayer Foot and Mounted
Progress Made :-D
- Mr Gimli - Terrain - Barrow

September - Entries (Now Closed)
Completed :D
- werrenor - Warrior - Ent
Progress Made :-D
- Mr Gimli - Group - Gondor Rangers

August - Entries (Now Closed)
Completed :D
- werrenor - Hero - Azog the Defiler
- Mr Gimli - Warrior - Rohan Royal Guard

July - Entries (Now Closed)
Completed :D
- werrenor - Hero - Sharkey and Worm
Progress Made :-D
- Mr Gimli - Terrain - Rohan Tower
- perry pug - Hero - Thrydan

June - Entries (Now Closed)
Completed :D
- werrenor - Group - High Elf Captain & Warriors
- Mr Gimli - Single Hero - Aragorn
- perry pug - Group - Rohan Warriors
Progress Made :-D
- Frogmortonjustice65 - Group - Gandalf (Complete :D), Merry, Pippin

May - Entries (Now Closed)
Completed :D
- perry_pug - Single Hero - Gwaihir
- Frogmortonjustice65 - Single Hero - Dwalin
- werrenor - Single Hero - Balin
Took Part 8)
- Mr_Gimli - Group - Elendil and Ingold

April - Entries (Now Closed)
Completed :D
- slinky - Group - Uruk Hai Scout Command
- werennor - Single Hero - Golfimbul ft. and mounted
- Mr Gimli - Group - Gandalf and Goblin King
- Frogmortonjustice65 - Single Hero - Theoden
- perry_pug - Monster - Ent
- GreatKhanArtist - Terrain - Pharaoh's Furrows/Maggot's Garden
Took Part 8)
- Gene Parmesan - Group - Fellowship

March - Entries (Now Closed)
Completed :D
- Mr Gimli - Single Hero - Celeborn
- perry_pug - Group - Dunland Command
- Gene Parmesan - Single Hero - Aragorn
Took Part 8)
- zkajo - Group - Mounted Easterling Command
- GreatKhanArtist - Terrain - Orc Tent

February - Entries (Now Closed)
Completed :D
- Mr Gimli - Single Hero - Haldir
- perry_pug - Single Hero -Theodred
- GreatKhanArtist - Terrain - Jungle Terrain (waiting on pic.)
Progress Made :-D
- Something Wicked - Group - Sons of Eorl
Took Part 8)
- zkajo

Author:  Mr Gimli [ Tue Feb 04, 2020 10:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Monthly Painting Challenge - February is Open

For this month I would like to get this lovely classic Haldir model painted. I have gone all out on starting a new Lothlorien army and have ended up with multiple versions of Haldir, yet I think this one is my favourite if only for nostalgia's sake. He isn't glued into the base yet as I am thinking of adding some rocks and branches to stand out some more.

As far as colours go they will likely be the neutral greys and greens which I think look great on the GW paint jobs.


Author:  zkajo [ Tue Feb 04, 2020 10:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Monthly Painting Challenge - February is Open

Glad we're going ahead with it :) I'm going to make a small selection at the weekend, as currently busy with other stuff :)

Author:  perry_pug [ Wed Feb 05, 2020 12:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Monthly Painting Challenge - February is Open

Thanks Mr Gimli!

I'll be painting Theodred on foot from Defenders of Rohan box. Hope to do a Ford's of the Isen scenario soon which he's essential for.

Author:  GreatKhanArtist [ Thu Feb 06, 2020 4:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Monthly Painting Challenge - February is Open

I'm going to work on my jungle terrain. It's actually for Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago, but would work for all those places in the East we don't have much detail about. The Easterlings have an Asian theme, and there are plenty of jungles in Asia, so I'm going for it! The before picture would be just a pile of trees and MDF bases with a pot of horse poop green paint, so you're not missing anything by not seeing it. But here's what I'm going for:

Author:  Something Wicked [ Fri Feb 07, 2020 6:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Monthly Painting Challenge - February is Open

I want to be involved in this, sounds good.

Is this forum only a few regulars, but with lots of members who come and go (like me)?

I've found this One-Ring forum to be massively helpful whenever I get that LotR inspiration. When other games, or life-stuff gets in the way, I wander off, but it is delightful to find O-R is still here when I return.

I have just spent a few days painting, but I'll try to find a project for this month.

I'll try to do up this guy, maybe captain, maybe Son of Eorl, maybe warrior, not sure on the rules as yet. I made a paper barding thing, put some putty on, and poked at it with a stick to try to make chain armour.


Author:  GreatKhanArtist [ Fri Feb 07, 2020 3:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Monthly Painting Challenge - February is Open

That armour is really clever. Can't wait to see it painted up!

Author:  Mr Gimli [ Fri Feb 07, 2020 7:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Monthly Painting Challenge - February is Open

Great stuff guys, I've updated the main section with your posts. Looking forward to seeing the finished versions :-D

Author:  perry_pug [ Fri Feb 21, 2020 11:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Monthly Painting Challenge - February is Open

How's everyone going with the painting challenge? I'm all finished with Theodred (photos to come). Even managed to get Grimbold and his banner/Hornblower command painted up too!

Have also decided on my entry for March- full unit of Dunlendings incl Command.

Author:  Mr Gimli [ Sat Feb 22, 2020 11:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Monthly Painting Challenge - February is Open

So far I have only managed to get the base colours down on Haldir, but I have also been working on a 500pt Galadrim army for an upcoming tournament at the same time. Often something I find myself spending the most time on is picking which colours to use, after I am done with the base colours things tend to speed up a great deal.

Author:  perry_pug [ Sun Feb 23, 2020 11:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Monthly Painting Challenge - February is Open

Cool.. Looking forward to seeing the entire Army once it's done also. That'd warrant some bonus points for sure

Author:  Mr Gimli [ Sat Feb 29, 2020 5:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Monthly Painting Challenge - February is Open

Here is Haldir, tried to experiment with the colours a bit as I will likely be using the armoured version with my Galadrim army. For the base I went darker to represent forest floor and added one of the golden plants from greenstuff world for a lothlorien feel.


Feel free to submit your WIP guys if not finished and I will add it to the leaderboard too. Going to keep Feb open for another week hope to see your hobby goodness!

Author:  perry_pug [ Sun Mar 01, 2020 2:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Monthly Painting Challenge - February - 1 Week Left

Looks fantastic Mr Gimli! Loving the base and job you did on the face.

I'll post my before and after pics later today.

Author:  zkajo [ Mon Mar 02, 2020 10:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Monthly Painting Challenge - February - 1 Week Left

Eh, I missed out on this one, real apologies. I do have models lined up to paint for the next one, and their pics ready for submission!

Absolutely loving that Haldir.

Author:  Something Wicked [ Tue Mar 03, 2020 8:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Monthly Painting Challenge - February - 1 Week Left

Oooops, I got distracted by other projects, sorry.

Haldir looks sweet Mr Gimli, the Autumn leafy stuff is cool!

I didn't finish, but I guess I owe a progress shot. I don't think a Rohan Captain can have an armoured horse, so I worked on three sons of eorl conversions instead. Just a little closer to done, so that's okay I guess. Lots more to do.


Author:  GreatKhanArtist [ Wed Mar 04, 2020 1:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Monthly Painting Challenge - February - 1 Week Left

I actually did finish my jungle. When I can figure out how to upload photos, I will.

Author:  perry_pug [ Wed Mar 04, 2020 9:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Monthly Painting Challenge - February - 1 Week Left




Apologies for the delays and blurry photos- finally figured out how to post from my mobile.

Really struggled with Theodreds face but reasonably happy with the finished product. Good work guys!

Mr Gimli, have you almost finished that Elf army?

Author:  Mr Gimli [ Sun Mar 08, 2020 10:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Monthly Painting Challenge - March is open

Thank you guys for your entries and the kind words for my humble Haldir. I have updated the entries for February and can now say that March is now open.

perry_pug wrote:
Really struggled with Theodreds face but reasonably happy with the finished product. Good work guys!

Mr Gimli, have you almost finished that Elf army?

Really nice, I think the face on Theodred looks great personally.
The elf army is coming along, the tournament is only two weeks away but I have managed to get the base colours down so I am not too stressed yet! I'll see if I can get some pictures.
Are you still going for Dunlendings for March entry? I'm going to pick another hero from my collection to paint up, not sure which one yet.

GreatKhanArtist wrote:
I actually did finish my jungle. When I can figure out how to upload photos, I will.

Looking forward to seeing it! I'm not the best with technology but Imgur seems to work for me.

Something Wicked wrote:
I didn't finish, but I guess I owe a progress shot. I don't think a Rohan Captain can have an armoured horse, so I worked on three sons of eorl conversions instead. Just a little closer to done, so that's okay I guess. Lots more to do.

All progress is good progress! Those conversions are great the armour looks well done gives them a lot more fearsome appearance.

zkajo wrote:
Eh, I missed out on this one, real apologies. I do have models lined up to paint for the next one, and their pics ready for submission!

No worries at all, love seeing what everyone is working on so looking forward to it!

Author:  zkajo [ Mon Mar 09, 2020 9:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Monthly Painting Challenge - March is open

Ok! This time I'm in. Here are my conversions to paint up this month:

I'll probably revert captain's axe back to a sword, just because I didn't realise he couldn't have it on horseback :)

Author:  perry_pug [ Wed Mar 11, 2020 9:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Monthly Painting Challenge - March is open

Those Easterling mtd conversions look great! Might have to steal that idea 8)

I'll stick with the Dunlending's as my entry and do the Command- Captain & banner bearer. Will try get some infantry painted alongside if I have time.

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