The One Ring

Red Corsairs' non LOTR Thread
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Author:  SDJackson [ Sun Sep 21, 2008 6:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

Absolutely amazing painting.
Love it.
Can't wait to see it finished

Author:  lorderkenbrand [ Sun Sep 21, 2008 9:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

Loving the powerclaw! Did that come with the mini? The yellow tubing is a nice touch too, now make him look even meaner! :twisted:

Author:  Red Corsairs [ Sun Sep 21, 2008 9:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for all the feedback!

Yes the power klaw came with the mini. I will try to do more later today but time is becoming limited :cry:

Author:  Red Corsairs [ Fri Oct 03, 2008 8:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

While unfortunately no more has been done on the Warboss I have completed a commision Nurgle Chaos Warhound (no... not a titan :P ) and my New Chapter Master for my new Chapter:


Only 20 more of those to paint up!

My converted Chapter Master Arminius of the Prophets of Vulkan:


I am pretty happy with him for one sitting. C&C welcome.

A bit of fluff so far for the Prophets of Vulkan:

The Regal Watch are distrusted by the Imperium for previously joining with the Black Legion to rid the universe of a certain Tyranid Hivefleet. They continously attempted to gain the trust of the Imperium back but failed, for all the Imperium cared, they were named Renegades. However, they managed to gain the trust of one Space Marine Chapter... The Salamanders.

The Salamanders thought that The Regal Watch could become useful for Special Ops missions and so took them in as a Special company called the 19th Company (although they are a seperate chapter in their own rite). It had to be kept quiet as the Vulkan He'stan knew, that is this alliance was found out by the Imperium, The Salamanders would become Excommunicated! Vulkan renamed their Chapter 'The Prophets of Vulkan' and sent them on various Special Missions, one being intercepting an Unexpected Ork Attack on Armageddon.

The Prophets of Vulkan work for the Salamanders, spreading their name across the Galaxy making sure enemies such as The Orks and the Tyranids fear them. They destroy Ork Worlds and Tyranid Fleets leaving behind nothing but a Salamander Standard.

That's a small amount of Background for you to get a small peak at what this Chapter is going to be like. Hope it's ok.

Author:  theharadkight [ Fri Oct 03, 2008 10:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

lookin pretty good, well done =]

only apparently with the new codex salamanders are supposed to have jet black skin and red eyes...

not sure how that would look =/
but it doesnt realy matter hehe

Author:  Red Corsairs [ Sat Oct 04, 2008 4:26 am ]
Post subject: 


But remember, my chapter were not linked with the Salamanders and the only reason they are now is because the Salamanders are pretty much the only ones that trust them anymore.

Thanks again!

Author:  Red Corsairs [ Tue Oct 07, 2008 7:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

First Veteran Seargant is now finished. Not too happy with the scroll pole but it'll have to do (I'm not going to add text to any scrolls as I'm terrible at it and it will ruin them even more! I will practice at it but not yet.)

Here we are:


Comments and criticism welcome.

Author:  lorderkenbrand [ Wed Oct 08, 2008 2:45 am ]
Post subject: 

Nice work Jake, I really like him however I would add a couple more highlights to the cloth between his legs. Don't be afraid to show off your talent, go wild with the highlights! :)

Author:  Red Corsairs [ Sat Nov 29, 2008 7:25 am ]
Post subject: 

I should really have put my Sigvald the Magnificent WIP into this thread but obviously either I forgot about this thread or my brain just wasn't working that day so I apologize for that.

However, here is my latest completed Non LOTR Miniature.

Found this 20 year old Warrior of Chaos by Games Workshop in my bitz box and I couldn't help myself but paint it up. I love old models and this is one of my favourite :grin:

I tried to do an 'old' kind of colour/painting scheme too.

Games Workshop Chaos Warrior from 1988:



Author:  DurinsBane [ Sat Nov 29, 2008 6:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Warhammer figures hold no interest with me, but would just like to say I think youv'e d one great job on some of these Jake...very nice work !

Author:  KJ Necromancer [ Wed Dec 03, 2008 3:15 am ]
Post subject: 

Well I haven't been around for a while due to exams and a tonne of homework, so I have not been able to follow your progress as closely as I would like. That Powerclaw on the Warboss looks awesome! Top class paint job. :-D

That scroll looks alright actually, more so in the first picture but yeah, good work.

I like the base for the warboss, looking really good. I think I might try something similar for my Warboss.

Keep up the good work,

KJ Necromancer

Author:  Red Corsairs [ Sat Mar 07, 2009 9:31 am ]
Post subject: 

Started picking my Space Marines back up and I've also now called them the Prophets of Tu'Shaan instead because it still fits in and it's more catchy :)

Sternguard Veterans of the Prophets of Tu'Shaan:


I really want to do more LOTR but I'd like this army done first.

Author:  Dorthonion [ Sat Mar 07, 2009 11:45 am ]
Post subject: 

Well done on the WH40K stuff! Excellent painting and some tasty colour schemes going on!

Author:  gaarew [ Sat Mar 07, 2009 12:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

Very nice Jake!

I seem to be having the opposite problem to you, I can't get around to painting 40k stuff, and concentrate all my efforts on my LotR's minis.

Author:  Red Corsairs [ Sat Mar 07, 2009 12:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks everyone!

John, I wouldn't mind swapping :P I prefer painting LOTR, just I need to get my hundreds of 40k stuff out of the way.

Author:  Red Corsairs [ Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hello everyone, I'm here with a long due update, I've actually been incredibly busy the last few months which is why you haven't seen many things from me on the hobby side of things recently however I've had a little bit of time the last couple of days to try and squeeze in some painting. And from now on I'm going to try and pull my finger out and get at least one model painted a month :P.

So here's the first WIP Project that I started on Saturday. It's the GD09 Chaos Lord that I bought off a freind (unfortunately I'm not going this year) and I have to say it's a lovely model and a joy to paint so far.

I've decided to go for a Bronzey-goldish Brass Lord of Khorne style colour scheme with the majority being gold armour with a red cape and other coloured details here and there.

Currently I've only done the gold and a couple of silver metallic areas aswell as the cape (which I may well go for another highlight with).

As for the horns, they're still very WIP as I haven't actually come up with a scheme for them yet, definitely not doing it the way I painted the one complete horn though as I think it's far too bright. I will probably end up working up and blending from Scorched brown through Bleached Bone eventually to a dab of Skull White on the tips.

I also need to do some more higlighting on the fur at the top of the cape.

Enough blabbering on, here it is so far:



Comments and criticism much appreciated as always.


Author:  Hallpers [ Mon Aug 10, 2009 2:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

Wow, looks great so far. :yay:

Author:  Longbottom Leaf [ Mon Aug 10, 2009 6:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

Great painting on a great model. I really love the coppery armor, how did you paint it? Keep up the great work. 8)

Author:  Red Corsairs [ Mon Aug 10, 2009 7:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks guys.

To paint the armour I:

* Basecoat of Dwarf Bronze
* Highlight Shining Gold
* Ogryn Flesh Wash
* Leviathan Purple Wash
* Highlight Shining Gold again

I Hope this helps.

Author:  Longbottom Leaf [ Mon Aug 10, 2009 8:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks, Jake. 8)

I really love the armor the way you painted it, it's fantastic. I'll have to try it out when I find a minature that is apropriate. I think my Barrow Wights may be in need of a repaint... :twisted:

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